All posts by David Balasanyan

How to Find Your Soulmate

Online dating could help you find your soulmate and enjoy lasting, forever love.

We’re all looking for that special someone who makes us feel both special and complete. We dream about connecting with that one person who will really know you better than you even know - Find Love online, find your soulmate But how can find a lasting love? If you are struggling to find your soulmate, here are some helpful tips to help you in your search.
The road to true love isn’t easy. Most people have to kiss a lot of frogs before they find the one they’ve been searching for. The older you get, the harder the search becomes. Most of us reach a point when we wonder whether or not we’re wasting our time. The good news is that there is hope! You can find your soulmate, but it will take a little time and patience. If you haven’t already considered online dating, now is a great time to start.

I bet that at least half of your dates have been real duds, and that five minutes into the process you were watching the clock and waiting for the evening to come to an end. Online dating statistics show that people using dating websites go out on more dates than people who are still looking for a soulmate in more conventional manners. By going out on more dates, these people also have a greater chance of finding their eternal soulmates.
So what makes online dating so successful in matchmaking? The secret is an elaborate personality test that the websites use to match you with potential mates. Factors like how many children you want to have, sexual orientation, age, if you’re looking for a committed relationship or just a bit of fun, if you have pets, quirks and habits you can’t stand, all get considered when the site scans it’s registered members. Just remember that in order for the site to create a successful pairing, you have to be completely honest when you complete the profile.

You don’t have to create a dating profile right off the bat. In addition to helping you find your soulmate, the best dating sites also have tons of relationship advice. With just a few clicks you will find yourself getting some great first date tips and advice about how you can help fix any relationship problems you might encounter on your journey to find your personal soulmate. Most of the dating websites contain a great deal of relationship advice for men and women.

iDate Asia Online and Mobile Dating Conference May 28-29, 2015

Another huge benefit of online dating is that you have a chance to really get to know a person before the first face-to-face encounter. You need to take advantage of this opportunity.

You should exchange emails until you’re both ready to make the first date. Discuss your common interests and see if you feel comfortable enough to try a real live date.

Matchmaker - Begin Search

Pass on new iPhone or Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Compare new iPhone 5S(iPhone 5C) or Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with older models

It is always great for the consumer when new products come out. For the most tech savvy people, or those with money to burn, the new iPhone or Samsung Galaxy note 3 might be “must have” items.
The reality of the situation is that they are minor upgrades on already excellent products. However, as the newest products become available, that means retailers will discount older models from companies like Samsung mobile and Apple.Chromo
If your phone is three years old, and you buy a product that has been around for six months or a year, the technology you are acquiring is vastly superior to what you have, and because you opted against spending the cash on the newest of new phones, you get a huge break in price.

It is very logical to get the new iPhone in stores with plenty of time to sell millions of them to holiday shoppers. For Samsung mobile, it is important not to get beaten to the punch and avoid being too far behind the iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Again, this benefits smart shoppers. The day that the new devices come out, the slightly older ones become less popular despite the fact that they still perform exactly as they did before the new model showed up. Because they are no longer the newest phone available, they are discounted and available to consumers at a fraction of the cost of the newest phone particularly at online retailers.

If you read about the new iPhone, and study information on the Samsung Galaxy note 3, it easy to find technologically oriented people who gush over their slightly improved cameras, bright new colors that they are available in, fingerprint scanner, and switch from plastic to leather like material on the Note. There is little doubt that the newest technology is solid and maybe even spectacular. However, the slightly older technology, the phones that have suddenly become affordable and discounted, are also excellent. How much is
Save 10-50% on computers & electronicshaving a yellow, pink, or blue phone really worth? Is a relatively tiny piece of leather instead of a plastic case a $500 investment? Surely the fingerprint scanner is cool, but haven’t we successfully used phones forever without one? Buying the new iPhone or Samsung Galaxy note 3 is more about being in the club of people that have them than is truly improving your everyday life. If you have an older model from Samsung mobile, or one of their competitors, the step up between something you’ve had for a few years and a phone released within the last 12 to 18 months will be much greater and less expensive than jumping on the latest iPhone 5.

The new products will be “old” in six months or a year. By being a consumer who is slightly behind the craze, and upgrading to a newer phone but not the latest version, you benefit by acquiring excellent and modern technology without paying a premium to be the first on your street with a pink phone or a leather case.


WWE Superstars

WWE Superstars

WWE Building Stars One Superstar at a Time

Ever since World Wrestling Entertainment became the most talked about company in sports entertainment, they have worked to take over the business. They have done so by helping to create new WWE superstars each year as the legends slowly begin to fade out as in ring performers. With stars like Daniel Bryan, The Big Show, Randy Orton and Damien Sandow taking up plenty of television time, WWE has done a solid job of building the stars of tomorrow, while still paying their respects to those who helped get the business to where it is.

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Hottest Stars in the Business

WWE Superstars. $10 off $70+ with code WWESAVE10_300x250With John Cena out for several months as he recovers from injury, he passed the torch to bearded Bryan. While a lot of the action since that time on Monday Night Raw have involved Bryan getting beaten down by Orton, The Shield and even Big Show, he still has one of the largest fan bases in the WWE Universe.

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Despite being relegated to a feud with Curtis Axel after a long reign as WWE Champion and a feud with Brock Lesnar, CM Punk is still working to show he is the best in the sport of professional wrestling. It has taken a good amount of time, but Alberto Del Rio may have finally found his stride in a WWE ring. He is the current World Heavyweight Champion and is presently involved in a feud with one of the best in the history of the sport, Rob Van Dam.

The Old Guy Still Getting it Done

Longtime fans of Extreme Championship Wrestling will still call Rob Van Dam one of the best in the world. He is one of the top WWE wrestlers today and is still getting it done in the ring after a long break from the sport. The vigorous WWE schedule may begin to wear down on Mr. Monday Night at some point, but for now, he is still proving that he is at the top of his game.

Biggest Futures

It may be difficult for some to imagine a trio of stars having a great future in the sport of professional wrestling, but that is what you have with the Shield. Every group of young wrestlers always has one or two guys that stand out as future stars. Evolution had Orton and Batista, Nexus had Wade Barrett and The Spirit Squad had Dolph Ziggler. With the Shield, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns all have the talent to be major superstars in the future.

The Divas

 WWE Superstars. DivasHow could anyone forget about the WWE Divas? These women are the best female WWE superstars in the wrestling business and it all starts with AJ Lee. The current Divas Champion is the most talked about WWE Diva today and that is something WWE Monday Night Raw has needed for some time. Kaitlyn is another talented Diva that isn’t getting as much attention since she isn’t on the Total Divas cast, but she has a chance to do great things in WWE.

Adopt a Pet for a Healthier Life

Adopt a Pet for Your Household

Having a pet can be really good for you in many other ways than you may think. Research has increasingly indicated that owning pets can have several health advantages for individuals of all ages. This is why many households in U.S. have pets today. More importantly, medical practitioners also understand the positive effect of pets on human health and increasingly encourage pet adoption for pet assisted therapy.

Pet Therapy

There have been several studies which indicate that the use of pets in the therapy of some patients can turn out to be very beneficial. k9 advantix for dogsflea and tick control treatmentAccording to some of the major research papers, the following are some benefits of animal therapy:
1. In long-stay nursing homes for psychiatric population, the use of pets can increase social interactivity of patients. This increases their chances of recreational as well as physical therapy.

2. For patients suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, pets can be helpful in controlling their anxiety and agitation while increasing social interactivity.

3. For patients of HIV/AIDS, pets can be helpful in preventing depression and loneliness as they are seen as supportive relationships.

The Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

Apart from the benefits that doctors wish to gain from animal therapy, there are other noticeable reasons why having a pet is good for your health. Here are some of these benefits:

1. Children with pets are more resistant to allergies and tend to have a stronger immune system. Infants who live with pets have almost 33% lesser chances of developing pet and other skin allergies.

2. Patients with heart problems are known to survive longer if they have a pet. Pets are known to lower the blood pressure and keep cholesterol levels low by increasing physical activity. Cats can reduce the risk of fatal heart attacks by 40%.

3. People over 65 years of age can reduce their visits to doctor by almost 30% by owning a pet to care for.

Adopting a Pet – How and Where

If you have finally decided to adopt a pet for your household, you first need to decide whether you want a cat, dog or any other pet. If you are looking for specific health benefits, you should first find out which type of pet will be more beneficial for you. Next, you need to decide what breed you are going to buy. If you are planning to buy a dog, you should conduct a search to find out about the type of care different breeds of dogs require and then make up your mind about what to get. If you can’t decide on one breed, decide on a few possible ones and leave the decision for when you visit the shelter.

You can adopt a pet either from a shelter house or a rescue group. The Internet is the best way to find both these in your area. You can search for listed pet shelters in your area on different sites and even find animals available with them online. Once you have found the pet you like, you can either adopt it online or you can visit the shelter. Once you’re done with the formalities and paperwork involved in adoption, you can bring your dear pet home and start bonding with it.


Bargain books: eBooks or printed books

Bargain books from book stores and online.

Finding bargain books has never been easier. Shortly after e-readers became popular people began predicting that the end was near for printed books. Free book downloads and bargain e-books were readily available online, so how could old fashioned book stores survive? Interestingly, five years after the e-book surged into our vernacular, research shows that book stores and particularly hard cover books are holding their own.
In December the Pew Research Center released data that indicates while e-books continue to rise in popularity, many of the same people who are using e-readers are also still reading printed books. The survey showed that e-book use rose from 16% to 23%, but nearly 90% of those who read an e-book also read at least one printed book during the year. It is true that because of price and convenience e-books are here to stay, but it is equally reasonable to believe that traditional books aren’t going anywhere. – Download a book today

While it is true that libraries across the nation have reduced hours or in same cases closed, and some major chain book stores have closed their retail business, there are books that continue to sell printed editions. Christian Books and children’s books are examples of why hard cover books will never die off completely. Whether it is a sacred text, or the experience of reading to a child or trying to motivate a young person to learn how to read, having a non-digital experience is ideal. Of course, sometimes using an e-reader to get a kid excited works, but other times, having something that they can hold, turn pages, see pictures, and sit with mom and dad and interact with is ideal.

Bargain books. Download an eBook today

A 2012 study by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop found that children who read enhanced e-books recall significantly fewer details that children who read the print version of the same story. That being said, those who read the enhanced e-book were more engaged. However, a hard copy was better for literacy-building co-reading. The bottom line is that children books are beneficial however you can entice kids to interact, but it seems nothing is better than old fashioned mom and dad reading with their kids.
Bargain books. Kobo TouchIt is worth noting that for a lot of people, whether to read an e-book or hard cover version really comes down to their setting. If a person is a business traveler, and they are bringing a touch screen device on a trip anyway, it is easy to grab a free book online, or take advantage of free books downloads, and not have to pack a hard copy. However, for somebody that works in front of a computer all day long, or enjoys the feel of having a book in their hand, and turning the pages, a traditional book can not be replaced.
Whether you enjoy bargain books from book stores or like to point and click and start reading, it appears that both the modern reader and time tested text are here to stay. Either way, reading is good for people of every age.

Antivirus and Malware Protection for your computer.

Antivirus and Malware Protection

Why is it important to have an Antivirus and Malware protection?
Computers have now become a part and parcel of every business and home. It is important that you learn how to protect it from spywares, viruses and other malicious attacks. These are some of the things that can easily spread from one computer to several others. When this happens, the viruses infect programs and files which could turn out to be disastrous. The worst thing that viruses can do to your computer is to erase all the information that is stored. This means a permanent damage of your files.

Antivirus and Malware Protection

To be on the safe side, it is important that you have backup copies of all your files. You can either store them in a different hard drive or disk. This will ensure that you have nothing to lose in case your computer is attacked by viruses. There are a number of things that you can do to protect your computer. The first one is to ensure that you install antivirus software that you should update on a regular basis. Kaspersky AntiVirus 2016. Essential PC Protection.Avoid sharing your computer software with other people to avoid the spread of viruses. Never use any computer software whose source you do not trust. Avoid clicking on any pop up ads that appear on your computer whenever you are surfing the internet, because you might risk installing a virus or spyware to your computer. These ads might look like warning messages but the reality is that they are from online companies that are unscrupulous. Do not open an e-mail from person you don’t know. There are quality computer software programs that you can download. Most of these programs monitor whatever is happening to your computer. It will alert you of any suspicious activities.


Webroot Antivirus and Internet SecurityWebroot is yet another antivirus that you should consider downloading. This is one of the most trusted and oldest antivirus software that has been in the market. It is also one of the most advanced antivirus products that most computer owners have. It is very efficient in scanning worms and virus that might have found their way into your computer. It will warn you in advance in case any internet traffic tries to introduce worms or spyware into your system.
With a range of security options to choose from, find a program that works perfectly for you and your unique situation.


McAfee AntivirusMcAfee is one of the security programs that you should own. This program incorporates an anti-phishing, antivirus, anti-spam and anti-malware techniques that will ensure that your computer is always well protected. McAfee does not only protect your computer from viruses, but also protects it from Trojans.

Norton by Symantec

Symantec. Antivirus, Internet SecuritySince you use computers on a regular basis it is also wise that you learn something about the Symantec Norton. It is widely used antivirus software and it offers you disk imaging and backup software services. This is meant to give your data and important information quality security.

AVG Technologies

AVG Antivirus
AVG is one of the leading names when it comes to staying safe on the internet. With corporate offices in over ten countries, they’re truly a global solution to computer viruses and other security threats facing people everywhere.

Panda Security

Panda Internet Security, Antivirus software
Panda Security offers packages for everyone from the occasional home user looking to stay safe on the internet to a business owner looking to protect their company’s vital information. Their prices are affordable and often lower than those of competitors.

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Top US Cities to Visit

Guide to the best Tourist Attractions and the Top US cities to visit.

There are so many top US cities to visit. Which one do you choose? Here is some information on some of the best USA cities to visit to help you with your decision.

New York City, NY: The City that Never Sleeps

The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of New York City, democracy, and freedom. It is the most recognizable and visited attraction of the Everything You Need - Your Source for New Yorkcity. Enjoy the statue from afar and visit the crown as well. However, be ready for a workout. There are 377 steps to the top of the Statute of Liberty and there no elevator access!
Fifth Avenue is one of the best tourist attractions in the city. The section of Fifth Avenue that intersects with the midtown part of Manhattan has been declared as “the most expensive street in the world”. This street is one of the best travel places in the US because it has the best shopping, dining, and homes on the planet.

Orlando, FL: The City Beautiful

Part of what makes Orlando one of the Top USA cities to visit is that it has a number of great theme parks. The Universal Studios Resort in Orlando, FL is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the state, and boasts movie Top US cities to visit. Orlando FLthemed rides, shows, and thrill rides. There is also a water park and great nightlife and restaurants.
SeaWorld is a great summer destination. SeaWorld boasts incredible and thrilling rides, various aquatic wildlife, and exciting shows and stunts performed by the animals. SeaWorld is fun for the whole family!

Las Vegas, NV: Sin City

The shows in Las Vegas are incredible! See amazing feats of magic from performers like Cris Angel, David Blaine, and David Copperfield. Or, see a show like Cirque de Soleil, Jersey Boys, or Blue Man Group.BestofVegas. Best Shows. Best Hotels. Best Prices.
You can’t leave Las Vegas without hitting the casino! Las Vegas has the best casinos in the world, including: The Bellagio, MGM Grand, Caesars Palace, The Palms, The Wynn, and The Luxor. Play all sorts of different games, have fun, and don’t lose your shirt!

San Diego, CA: Silicon City

There is nothing more iconic in San Diego than the San Diego Zoo, The San Diego Zoo has pioneered, and currently features, open-air habitats for all of their animals. This creates a much more pleasurable experience for the animals and the patrons. With over 650 species and 3,700 animals there is so much to do and see at this wonderful summer destination.

New York Pass

Top Five Tips on Healthy Eating

Tips on Healthy Eating and Motivation to lose weight.

Healthy eating is one of the keys to longevity and to enjoy better quality of life. However, there are many fads, diets, and misinterpretation of the right way of eating that have been propagated in the media. As a result, people are led to believe false information that is unrealistic and sometimes, detrimental to your health. To counteract the influence of media, acquisition of the right information is very essential. For this reason, read the following 5 tips on healthy eating.

1. Take one step at a time.

Tips on Healthy EatingMost people will dive into healthy eating immediately with the thought that they can accomplish big things immediately. Because of this, most people fail to achieve their goals. It is important to realize that healthy body and fit mind does not come overnight. It is a lifelong process. Instead of aiming the big steps, it will be better to change your diet gradually. Committing to smaller and manageable goals is more realistic and attainable. You will have a higher chance of achieving your goals this way.

2. Balance health diets.

300x250 Get 40% Off on First BoxMost people think that they can lose weight in a week by starving their selves. This is a common fallacy people believe that should be avoided. Eating too much is wrong; the same as eating nothing. Therefore, you should eat a balance meal and in moderation. Balance diet means that you have all the food groups in your plate every time you sit on the dining table. Aim for a healthy diet that you can maintain for the rest of your life and not just for the purpose of losing weight.

3. Healthy eating habits.

Sometimes, eating the right food is not enough. It should be coupled with the right habits as well. No matter how nutritious the foods you Gourmet Food Aspect, tips on healthy eathingeat but if you do not eat it the right way, then you are losing the whole point. While eating, you must chew your food properly and better yet, enjoy them. Eat together with other people instead of eating in front of the TV which may lead to overeating. You can even acquire motivation to lose weight when you eat in a group. Listen to your body as well. Your brain is slow in detecting stability, so you need to eat slowly to give your brain time to feel fullness.

4. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables get their energy directly from the sun while animals get their food from plants. This means that fruits and vegetables can offer you more whole energy compared to animal food products. It is undeniable that fruits are packed with nutrients and low in calories. Thus, you can eat fruits with less guilt-feeling. Do not forget to eat vegetables too as they are full of vitamins that help you lose weight and minerals to energize your whole body.

5. Avoid sugar and salt.

Some people consider sugar as the modern poison. There are a lot of reasons for people to think this way. Sugar is important as a source of energy but too much of sugar can lead to detrimental health problems.

The same can be said with salt. Increased blood sodium can lead to hypertension, water retention, and weight gain. These are the five tips on how to develop healthy eating.
Remember these Tips on Healthy Eating and you will have healthier, fitter, and happier life.

The current housing market

Home mortgage, real interest rate and current housing market.

To say the current housing market is in recovery is not an exaggeration. At the end of June 2013, home prices across the nation were up 12.2% from a year earlier, according to Renwood Realtytrac. Foreclosures were at just over 57,000 last month, the lowest level in 7.5 years. Low interest rates, increased job opportunities, and improved consumer confidence have all contributed to this development.

While “flipping” (buying a home, fixing it up, and quickly reselling it) is still prevalent, it is moving from marketplace to marketplace, depending on availability of undervalued properties. This would usually be in areas of high foreclosures, which, at present, defines Miami and several other Florida cities, New York, Washington DC, and Chicago; cities being left in the rearview mirror include San José, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Atlanta.

Even though inventory is very tight in most metro areas (2 month’s worth is not uncommon), the market is showing signs of heading for more balance, where buyers and sellers have more equal bargaining positions, and growth in prices is somewhat slower. In the current housing market, the mortgage borrower is having difficulties, as many buyers pay cash. FHA Mortgages provide a good low down home mortgage, and this financing must become more prevalent as we move forward. Consumers once again have the ability to pay mortgages!

A few words about buying foreclosed homes; the easiest approach is to use a hard money-lender. You will need 20% down, minimum, and you will pay a mid to high teens interest rate, but it’s only for the short-term, while you are buying, fixing, and selling/renting. Once you decide to keep or sell, you can re-finance into a low-down mortgage, if you’re keeping it (a common strategy when price growth slows a bit), and pay the mortgage off early if you change your mind.

The Commercial Business market (office, industrial, business, apartments, etc) has improved considerably. One index, influenced by larger transactions and tracking with high quality core real estate prices, has now increased by 41% from recent lows in 2010. This seems to be true of all sectors of commercial sales and leases. One interesting trend is toward smaller and lower quality assets, and the pricing is rising in tandem with investment grade space. Real estate investment, in popular tourist destinations, such as New York, Florida, and Las Vegas, has always been a boon for those cities. It seems that other cities have benefited also in our recent downturn; large investor pools were involved in some of the less touristy areas. Good news, since it has helped stabilize those markets more quickly. All in all, everything looks good, and we seem to be heading in the right direction.

current housing market