Tag Archives: Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Pass on new iPhone or Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Compare new iPhone 5S(iPhone 5C) or Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with older models

It is always great for the consumer when new products come out. For the most tech savvy people, or those with money to burn, the new iPhone or Samsung Galaxy note 3 might be “must have” items.
The reality of the situation is that they are minor upgrades on already excellent products. However, as the newest products become available, that means retailers will discount older models from companies like Samsung mobile and Apple.Chromo
If your phone is three years old, and you buy a product that has been around for six months or a year, the technology you are acquiring is vastly superior to what you have, and because you opted against spending the cash on the newest of new phones, you get a huge break in price.

It is very logical to get the new iPhone in stores with plenty of time to sell millions of them to holiday shoppers. For Samsung mobile, it is important not to get beaten to the punch and avoid being too far behind the iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Again, this benefits smart shoppers. The day that the new devices come out, the slightly older ones become less popular despite the fact that they still perform exactly as they did before the new model showed up. Because they are no longer the newest phone available, they are discounted and available to consumers at a fraction of the cost of the newest phone particularly at online retailers.

If you read about the new iPhone, and study information on the Samsung Galaxy note 3, it easy to find technologically oriented people who gush over their slightly improved cameras, bright new colors that they are available in, fingerprint scanner, and switch from plastic to leather like material on the Note. There is little doubt that the newest technology is solid and maybe even spectacular. However, the slightly older technology, the phones that have suddenly become affordable and discounted, are also excellent. How much is
Save 10-50% on computers & electronicshaving a yellow, pink, or blue phone really worth? Is a relatively tiny piece of leather instead of a plastic case a $500 investment? Surely the fingerprint scanner is cool, but haven’t we successfully used phones forever without one? Buying the new iPhone or Samsung Galaxy note 3 is more about being in the club of people that have them than is truly improving your everyday life. If you have an older model from Samsung mobile, or one of their competitors, the step up between something you’ve had for a few years and a phone released within the last 12 to 18 months will be much greater and less expensive than jumping on the latest iPhone 5.

The new products will be “old” in six months or a year. By being a consumer who is slightly behind the craze, and upgrading to a newer phone but not the latest version, you benefit by acquiring excellent and modern technology without paying a premium to be the first on your street with a pink phone or a leather case.


Antivirus and Malware Protection for your computer.

Antivirus and Malware Protection

Why is it important to have an Antivirus and Malware protection?
Computers have now become a part and parcel of every business and home. It is important that you learn how to protect it from spywares, viruses and other malicious attacks. These are some of the things that can easily spread from one computer to several others. When this happens, the viruses infect programs and files which could turn out to be disastrous. The worst thing that viruses can do to your computer is to erase all the information that is stored. This means a permanent damage of your files.

Antivirus and Malware Protection

To be on the safe side, it is important that you have backup copies of all your files. You can either store them in a different hard drive or disk. This will ensure that you have nothing to lose in case your computer is attacked by viruses. There are a number of things that you can do to protect your computer. The first one is to ensure that you install antivirus software that you should update on a regular basis. Kaspersky AntiVirus 2016. Essential PC Protection.Avoid sharing your computer software with other people to avoid the spread of viruses. Never use any computer software whose source you do not trust. Avoid clicking on any pop up ads that appear on your computer whenever you are surfing the internet, because you might risk installing a virus or spyware to your computer. These ads might look like warning messages but the reality is that they are from online companies that are unscrupulous. Do not open an e-mail from person you don’t know. There are quality computer software programs that you can download. Most of these programs monitor whatever is happening to your computer. It will alert you of any suspicious activities.


Webroot Antivirus and Internet SecurityWebroot is yet another antivirus that you should consider downloading. This is one of the most trusted and oldest antivirus software that has been in the market. It is also one of the most advanced antivirus products that most computer owners have. It is very efficient in scanning worms and virus that might have found their way into your computer. It will warn you in advance in case any internet traffic tries to introduce worms or spyware into your system.
With a range of security options to choose from, find a program that works perfectly for you and your unique situation.


McAfee AntivirusMcAfee is one of the security programs that you should own. This program incorporates an anti-phishing, antivirus, anti-spam and anti-malware techniques that will ensure that your computer is always well protected. McAfee does not only protect your computer from viruses, but also protects it from Trojans.

Norton by Symantec

Symantec. Antivirus, Internet SecuritySince you use computers on a regular basis it is also wise that you learn something about the Symantec Norton. It is widely used antivirus software and it offers you disk imaging and backup software services. This is meant to give your data and important information quality security.

AVG Technologies

AVG Antivirus
AVG is one of the leading names when it comes to staying safe on the internet. With corporate offices in over ten countries, they’re truly a global solution to computer viruses and other security threats facing people everywhere.

Panda Security

Panda Internet Security, Antivirus software
Panda Security offers packages for everyone from the occasional home user looking to stay safe on the internet to a business owner looking to protect their company’s vital information. Their prices are affordable and often lower than those of competitors.

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